My blog: The pieces in this blog are both informational, and instructive.  They use readily available statistics to make sense of a confusing world, and they will tell you how and why I think what I do.

In 2011, using the just released US Census Data, by precinct, and Congressional election returns from 2010, I gained an understanding of why the Democrats were "shellacked" in 2010.  A friend read the paper which I had written, and suggested I start a blog.  This is the latest iteration of that blog, in which I am republishing the best pieces I wrote over the last several years, and new ones, as the inspiration comes to me.

I am in the process of analyzing election data from the 2016, 2018 and 2020 elections, and comparing that with the soon to be released census data.  I will publish links to my conclusions on this page.

Tell me what you think.  Contact me at

  • "What is to be Done" is the piece which I first wrote.  It is much longer than the other pieces.
  • "Black Lives Matter" deals with the recent movement to address some of the inequalities in our society.
  • "Gay Rights" was written to the Columbia University alumni magazine, in response to the story of the creation of the first gay rights group on a college campus. Two years before Stonewall. Nice to know I changed history.
  • "Scientific American" published this letter in October of 2015.  Duflo and Bannerjee won the 2019 Nobel Prize.
  • "Guns", about the Congressional gun control sit-in of 2016, and, of course, gun control.
  • "Linda Wins!" describes the surprising election of a first generation American of Haitian parentage who represented, as State Senator, the most notoriously racist neighborhood of Boston.
  • "Money Talks" will help you understand how relatively cheap it is for the 1% to buy their Congress members and Senators.
  • "The Day JFK Was Murdered" I was working at the national office of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). History trumps ideology.
  • "Lightning Strikes" about a long weekend in my life that seemed the stuff of paranoid fiction.
Last Modified: Thursday, 18 March, 2021
Reality Based Commentary