Such has been my life. Not so much by choice, but by the way it worked out. Now in my eighties, I look back, take stock, and remember when I held the infant SDS together when JFK was shot, cast the deciding vote to recognize the first collegiate gay student organization, created an accounting system for the UMass Amherst Campus Center, helped authorize the use of workstudy monies for off campus service learning internships, started a Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at Boston's oldest church ... and think I still have much to offer.
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For example, you might read my piece Astrological Coincidences. Read the introduction
at this page, or skip the introduction, and
read the piece. Tell me what you think.
As the pandemic grew, I finally got around to a project I had long planned, a memoir, for my kids, now in their thirties, so they might know something of my life before they were born. Access the chapter index by clicking on this
In 2011, using the just released US Census Data, by precinct, and Congressional election returns from 2010, I gained an understanding of why the Democrats were "shellacked" in 2010. A friend read the paper which I had written, and suggested I start a blog. You will find that piece, and subsequent ones at this
Tell me what you think. Contact me at